
In English ++

A Joint Christian Declaration on 'Diversity of Gender and Sexuality' 

The Declaration is co-authored and published in October 2024 by about 50 Christian organisations and denominations in Norway. You find the names of all participating entities here.

The Declaration in 3 formats:

  1. An article on this website
  2. A text on a one page A4 sheet (PDF)
  3. A two-page leaflet in colour (PDF in A4)

The Declaration in Polish, Spanish and German (Word) + Swedish

* Articles about the Declaration in 12 international news agencies

Another interesting Christian declaration from Norway:

A Joint Christian Declaration on MARRIAGE

Co-authored and published by 36 Norwegian Christian organisations and denominations in 2016. In many countries the declaration would probably be even more relevant today than it was eight years ago.

1. The English version as text (PDF)

2. The Norwegian version as an 8-page leaflet in colour (PDF). We show it here as an example of what a published edition may look like.